What is CyberScope’s core business is?

Security-Systems-Integrator That Delivers the Three Most Critical Cyber Services to Any Reputable Company with IT & OT infrastructure.

CyberScope focus on delivering the following Three critical services:

(1) 24x7 active monitoring known as Managed Detection & Response (MDR) via SIEM/SOC as a managed services.
(2) 24x7 Cyber Security, Incident Response Team (CS-IRT) services, mainly delivered during cyber-attack to the IT team.
(3) 24x7 Cyber Security, Incident Crisis Management (CS-ICM) advisory services for top management, to support them while they face non-technical challenges before, during and following the attack.

CyberScope act as an innovative Security-System-Integrator

Un-like other traditional providers of Managed, Detection & Response (MDR) services CyberScope act as an innovative Security-System-Integrator that constantly benchmark the market for the most effective solution for each new trending attack vector, then validate in a lab not only that the potential solution is proven to be the best for the new specific attack vector but also that this solution works well without contradiction with other validated solutions that proven to be best for other specific attack vectors, once validated, the new solution is being added to CyberScope Homologated Integrated Security Solutions that is proven to be the best for Multiple-Attack-Vectors.
This process reassure that the Integrated-Security-Solution identify maximum telemetry and visibility that leads to maximum security performance which is utilised to deliver CyberScope’s Premium Managed, Detection & Response (MDR) services.

Watch the video on the right to see the process.

Portfolio of Premium Managed Services

Managed, Detection & Response (MDR)

24x7 active monitoring known as Managed Detection & Response (MDR) via SIEM/SOC as a managed services

Portfolio of Boutique Professional Services

CyberScope’s Key Differentiators



  1. Maximum Telemetry & Visibility
  2. Minimum Blind-Spots
  3. Maximum Security Performance

Long experience & proven expertise


  • Premium Quality of SLA & Packages
  • Comprehensive Multi-Disciplinary Proactive Readiness Program (PRP)
  • Customised hybrid SOC screens
  • Customised SIEM for each Customer
  • Manage any existing security solutions


Completeness of integrated service portfolio, for both IT& OT:

  1. 24×7 MDR via SIEM/SOC
  2. 24×7 Incident Response Team
  3. 24×7 Incident Crisis Management

International Presence

Our clients

35 +

Clients Already Served

Under Attack?
